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1、解压金手指文件到任意目录 2、运行大小为100K的文件会自动加载金手指到内存 PROS. Convert ISO format to Games on Demand format. Works with JTAG or RGH modified Xbox 360. Easy to use conversion  游民星空为广大主机玩家提供最新最热的电视游戏下载。包括xbox360中文游戏、PS3游戏下载、PS4游戏、Xboxone游戏、PSP游戏以及相关主机模拟器游戏下载. GitHub - Rocky5/Xbox-Softmodding-Tool: This is my latest Github. Rocky5 93 MB | Downloads: 2,920 X360ACE Speedy RGH. 0 release is the first release in the Ussuri cycle. iso to DVD-R with Imgburn and low write speed (eg.

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Tweet. Toggle Width Style tempStyle 3. Help RetroArch is a frontend for emulators, game engines and media players. It enables you to run classic games on a wide range of computers and consoles through its slick graphical interface. 这样就相当于一台主机拥有2个无限制的硬盘接口,单机容量上4tb成为可能。此主机的另一个改造潜能就是可以变成双系统的主机,能在正版系统与盗版系统之间切换 。 rgh slim 9.6a v1或者v2: 9.6a的主机主板上取消了那个4gb内置存储接口,暂时也没有双系统板子 2:点击Load按钮,选择固件备份文件nanddump.bin 3:在 CPU KEY 处填入正确的CPUKEY字符串 4:在下图Dash Version处选择需要合成的固件版本,Motherboard处选择主板类型,和自制类型JTAG、RGH或者RGH2。 5:核对信息无误 6:点击Create Xebuild Image按钮开始合成固件。 问: xbox从网上下载的游戏怎么用? 答: 下载suxx这个软件,可以直接把下载来的rar iso为后缀的游戏不需解压缩直接传入xbox,当然需要xbox与电脑连接,不过首先需要安装eovx操作系统详情>> The ISO version of XEX Menu is useful for people with new Jtag or RGH Xbox 360 consoles.

Ace Combat 6 These titles are uploaded by our forum members to file hosting services. This list is automatically updated based on the various Master Lists that our moderators maintain at epforums. O SÓ RGH GAMES foi criado com o intuito de facilitar a vida do gamer de RGH e também do gamer que não tem conhecimento para conversão de jogos e assim precisando de inúmeros programas para uma tarefa simples. Mas acabou agora temos o SÓ RGH GAMES para sairmos dessa obrigatoriedade chata e viva a liberdade.

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Torrents XBOX 360 Hola de nuevo amigos dela comunidad xbox 360, Aqui les dejo un tutorial de Iso2God , una excelente aplicación para pc que nos permite transformar una iso de Xbox 360 a formato GOD (Games on Demand), para poder ejecutarla desde el disco duro interno de nuestra Xbox 360 sin necesidad de tener el dvd insertado (solo valido para consolas con RGH o Jtag). This is an Australian PAL Xbox 360 release of Sonic the Hedgehog, otherwise known as Sonic '06. The game has been tested with Xenia and runs perfectly. The 12.04.2019 Com ajuda de um emulador você pode jogar qualquer game de Xbox 1 no seu Xbox 360 RGH/JTAG porem necessário ter HD Interno para poder jogar. Homebrew .

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1、解压金手指文件到任意目录 2、运行大小为100K的文件会自动加载金手指到内存 PROS. Convert ISO format to Games on Demand format. Works with JTAG or RGH modified Xbox 360. Easy to use conversion  游民星空为广大主机玩家提供最新最热的电视游戏下载。包括xbox360中文游戏、PS3游戏下载、PS4游戏、Xboxone游戏、PSP游戏以及相关主机模拟器游戏下载. GitHub - Rocky5/Xbox-Softmodding-Tool: This is my latest Github. Rocky5 93 MB | Downloads: 2,920 X360ACE Speedy RGH. 0 release is the first release in the Ussuri cycle.

It enables you to run classic games on a wide range of computers and consoles through its slick graphical interface. 1.下载资源站 游戏iso下载(包括demo),最新游戏视频等等的综合资源下载网站。 (每提供一个+10分) 2.游戏专题站 某个xo游戏的专题站(游戏的攻略,bgm,壁纸下载,游戏diy等等皆可) (每提供一个+8分) 3.游戏资讯站 业界新闻,游戏发售等等皆可,比如ign。 【游戏安装说明】 1,首先确定你是XBOX360自制系统用户。 2,用winrar解压缩RAR包,得到类是"4153a5df" 八位由数字和字母"A-F"范围组成的目录 这样就相当于一台主机拥有2个无限制的硬盘接口,单机容量上4tb成为可能。此主机的另一个改造潜能就是可以变成双系统的主机,能在正版系统与盗版系统之间切换 。 rgh slim 9.6a v1或者v2: 9.6a的主机主板上取消了那个4gb内置存储接口,暂时也没有双系统板子 xbox游戏下载,我自己有dvd刻录机,不知道哪里有xbox游戏rom的下载(最好是中文的网店)。望高手解答,不胜感激。 M-L t d[X eR7G " w T2(\ = c k 6w M &Xgi n x / Ev L e 6 Ӟ I G H N'F \ ?Ͽ b7 5 Y V g m n " *4֌ K Rٞ+ k.=1 x Y[ ;4 & \% S $ ގ - d9 }b ֲ ÀD ~ qұ /|Y v vv eiH N:UР kD $ ? 7뺧 [k XB q' s s ҽ_Ŀ 4 " & D sFK0 ^ Q :i º Ƶc Əq 3 « I K$ \ p H? t t ߙ A V شھ Ya ־} Ż f 3O O LM5 n _zq } 6Ϳ O HHV ] F [ ^+{o J H [{ R>Ϲ s(a ] ;- r Z! ( 5 ƚ NAME Madden NFL 17 LANGUAGE Multi DATE August 23, 2016 GENRE Sports FORMAT [Region Free][ISO] SIZE 7,2 Gb Download ————————— [XBOX 360] FIFA 21 Mod [Jtag/RGH] NAME FIFA 21 Mod LANGUAGE Multi DATE 2020 GENRE Sports FORMAT [Jtag/RGH]  Download ————————— Link Download Link Download : xExifII* S ( 1 2 i ' 'Adobe Photoshop CC (Windows)2018:04:11 15:12:24 0221 S n v ( ~ H H Adobe_CM Adobed x " ?