stiff-necked Arrogant and obstinate. You can try talking to Caylee, but she seems too stiff-necked to do anything other than what she believes to be the best method.
OK. Stiff differential equations are best solved by a stiff solver, and vice-versa. There is not a standard rule of thumb for what is a stiff and non-stiff system, but using the wrong type for a model can produce slow and/or inaccurate results. Definition of stiff. Free online Dictionary including thesaurus, children's and intermediate dictionary by Wordsmyth. Stiff definition, rigid or firm; difficult or impossible to bend or flex: a stiff collar. See more. Mechanically stiff and high-areal-performance integrated all-in-wood supercapacitors with electroactive biomass-based hydrogel.
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stiff upper lip[英][stif ˈʌpə lip][美][stɪf ˈʌpɚ lɪp] n.坚定沉着; 不露感情; 例句:One failure means nothing. You've got to keep a stiff upper lip. 《Stiff Upper Lip》是歌手William Elliott的这个专辑《The Wind And The Willows (Cast Album) 里面的一首歌。歌词见链接stiff upper lip歌词 Cure Erectile Dysfunction Permanently https://tinyurl.com/y2odj3wbGet Rock Hard Erections Become HARD as STEEL for as LONG as I Need andWhenever you Want htt Not moving or operating easily or freely; resistant: a stiff hinge. 硬拉是一种 负重训练 ,主要分为 屈腿硬拉 (DeadLift)和 直腿硬拉 (Stiff-legged DeadLift),还有一些变种诸如罗马尼亚硬拉、相扑硬拉等,屈腿硬拉主要用于锻炼下背部即 竖脊肌 ,直腿硬拉主要锻炼 股二头肌 ,但也涉及臀部肌群、 竖脊肌 。 网易免费邮箱--中国第一大电子邮件服务商,提供以@163.com、@126.com和@yeah.net为后缀的免费邮箱。16年邮箱运营经验,系统快速稳定,垃圾邮件拦截率超过98%,邮箱容量自动翻倍,支持高达2G超大附件,提供免费网盘及手机邮箱服务。 Stiff definition, rigid or firm; difficult or impossible to bend or flex: a stiff collar. See more. For an elastic body with a single degree of freedom (DOF) (for example, stretching or compression of a rod), the stiffness is defined as.
Mechanically stiff and high-areal-performance integrated all-in-wood supercapacitors with electroactive biomass-based hydrogel. Cellulose 2021, 28 (1) , 389-404. AcFun是一家弹幕视频网站,致力于为每一个人带来欢乐。 爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供scared stiff的中文意思,scared stiff的用法讲解,scared stiff的读音,scared stiff的同义词,scared stiff的反义词,scared stiff的例句等英语服务。 Objectives: Stiff person syndrome is a neurologic disorder characterized by axial rigidity leading to progressive disability, with broad clinical spectrum. Methods: We report 2 cases with unique clinical presentation. Results: Two young men suffered progressive urinary retention requiring bladder catheterization, anorectal spasms and constipation, complicated subsequently with lower extremity Stiff-person syndrome (SPS) is characterised by progressive rigidity and muscle spasms affecting the axial and limb muscles. Since its initial description in 1956, marked progress has been made in the clinical characterisation, understanding of pathogenesis and therapy of this disorder.
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h n. 1. an ordinary man. 2. the dead body of a human being. adj. 1.
B2 If you are stiff or part of your body is stiff, your muscles hurt when they are moved: Sitting still at a computer terminal all day can give you a stiff neck. Paraneoplastic profiles were negative, and anti-GAD65 antibody titers remained elevated despite successful therapeutic responses. Conclusions: We want to raise awareness that stiff person syndrome can present with esophageal, anorectal, and urethral sphincter disturbance. Rituximab is a good therapeutic option in intractable cases. Abstract. Background: "Classic" stiff person syndrome (SPS) features stiffness, anti-glutamic acid decarboxylase (anti-GAD) antibodies, and other findings.
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