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注:2月6日更新后正常可用 MC Command Center Release 4.1.2 is out! The newest public release for MCCC/MC Woohoo is 4.1.2. Small update to 4.1.0 to fix problems with MC Pregnancy dialog on Sims. Full change log is here. Installation instructions can be found here.
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Se Inscrevam no canal Jr Qui c'è la lista delle mod che ho tradotto con la spiegazione. Alcune pagine sono ancora da aggiornare. Quando vedete che una mod viene rimossa, significa che è rotta e non funziona più bene/non funziona più del tutto/causa errori, ma la traduzione rimane disponibile nella … MC Command Center is a script mod available from Mod the Sims that adds more cheat functionality to the game, and adds a story progression option. There are several modules to MC Command Center: the base module- MC Command Center, MC-CAS - adds more CAS options, MC Cheats - adds more cheats to the game, MC Cleaner - handles some basic cleaning the game options, MC Clubs - adds story 11/11/2020 Since redoing my settings for MC Command Center none of these Sims get married to other Sims. All of the Sims that the game creates are getting married but the Sims that I made do not.
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The cleaner module with MC Command Center helps with the basic cleaning. It cleans all through the game.
For details about that, you should read here. For Last Exception errors, those are rarely ever caused by MCCC. Those are almost always caused by out-of-date mods/cc. Скачать Мод Командный Центр для Симс 4 (MC Command Center) можно абсолютно бесплатно на нашем сайте. Паки для Симс 4 с одеждой, прическами, обувью, аксессуарами и не только на Переходите и убедитесь 2019.08.13; MC Command Center 通称MCCC。 sims4のMODと言えば、まずはコレ(MC Woohooも含む)。 英語で理解するのが面倒なら日本語化も必須(とてもありがたい^O^)。 MC Command Center author, Deaderpool, also maintains a “Mods News” channel in Discord which will inform you of many mod updates. Of course, this won’t cover every mod, but it’s a good place to start if you’re hunting for updates to broken content.
All of the Sims that the game creates are getting married but the Sims that I made do not. They are not marked as "played" Sims and I have the settings in MC Command Center set to NOT bypass played households. 1/18/2021 MC Command Center の日本語化MOD mc_cmd_center.log:MCCCの動作ログが記録されます last_exception.html:LEエラーが発生した時に作られるサポート用ファイル その他のlogまたはhtml:ログ作成の機能で作られたファイルなど cfgファイルに設定が保存されるタイミングは ¡¡¡No os olvidéis de dejar vuestro like!!!Aprende cómo instalar el Mc Command Center 2.8.0, el mod imprescindible de Los Sims 4. En esta versión compatibiliz 10/3/2020 2/4/2020 2/5/2021 When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. 4/29/2019 Sims 4 mc command center Is free and then to use prevention apps which can also be use as karaoke app and usage the data of your windows singers.
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使用方法: 下载之后解压,把全部文件放在 我的文档>Electronic Arts>The Sims 4>Mods 进入游戏即可! 请确认游戏选项界面已勾选“允许脚本模组”选项】 ★再次提醒★. ★请根据自己的游戏版本,下载对应的MC指挥中心★. 不断有人私信问我如何使用MC,为什么装了MC 模拟人生4mc指挥中心支持,包含3.0.3至3.1.1四个全功能版本,支持吸血鬼dlc,这个mc指挥中心非常强大,主要作用是一夫多妻,无隐私,无嫉妒,同性生子,近亲浪漫, 解锁嘿咻限制,修改账单,喜欢的不要错过。 本套指挥中心mod包含故事模式的基础功能:npc可以自主结婚生子搬家。 类似nraas系列,这组mod也包含1个基础主体模块和n个可选扩增模块。 从1.0.4版开始本套mod自带游戏内设置菜单,使用起来非常方便。 Now hire NPCs as servants in sims 4 with the inclusion of this mod. Even more, the servants will stay with your family, saving the space on house lots. You could also call this mod sims 4 servant mod because of this feature alone. Suppose you love giving orders and would like to have all the game control in your own hands.
This enables the users to remove any homeless ghosts while allowing the setup. The default options for make-up when characters age up with time. This feature can also disguise the aliens. Sims 4 Mc Command Center Woohoo Mod The most valuable result from having notifications about LastExceptions is that when players get them all resolved, their game works better and runs cleaner and often performs better as well (exceptions are not currently being logged to the LastExceptions.txt file which costs performance). 本套指挥中心mod包含故事模式的基础功能:npc可以自主结婚生子搬家。 类似nraas系列,这组mod也包含1个基础主体模块和n个可选扩增模块。 从1.0.4版开始本套mod自带游戏内设置菜单,使用起来非常方便。 适用版本 2018 1月11日 PC / Mac 注:2月6日更新后正常可用 MC Command Center Release 4.1.2 is out! The newest public release for MCCC/MC Woohoo is 4.1.2.
Sep 11, 2019 — 下載的檔案通常是壓縮檔,使用7z、WinZIP或WinRAR解壓縮後的檔案 在「我的文件\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\」中新增資料夾並取名 下載。 MC Command Center - All Modules Version 8.0.0 全模組 作者weerbesu現在停止在MTS上的更新,所有更新目前免費發佈在他的 NPC數量控制器(1.2.9) 6 【1.70雪山版】全NPC整容+房屋替换♥ NOCC美化存档(2021.2.9更新)46.3w Katrina-y小貔貅 说: 【Katrina-y'sShowroom】自制Mod及人物订阅——以上新, 【女娲组】2021年4月任务汇总 【改色】一些模拟人生4本体家具的改色(免费下载) MC控制中心MC(原名Command Center) 作者:Deaderpool 原始发布 2019年9月5日最新版 6.5.0 的MC指挥中心 MC Command Center 和 MC Woohoo 都要下载哦!1. 查看SIMS4 版本号进入SIMS 4 开始游玩前的主界面正下方就是当前游戏版本号. 2. [自定内容模组=小人、化妆、房屋、装修,美化类MOD]. 放檔案路徑:文件 Electronic Arts The Sims 4 Mods2.遊戲內設定:右上 想幹嘛就幹嘛 Feb 9, 2017 — 模拟人生4mc指挥中心最新版功能超级强大,只有你想不到,没有它做不到的。 月22日.
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