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Printed and bound by Courier Kendallville in the United States of America. isbn:978-7-04-048302-4 【教学课件】 48278(李占国)基础会计学综合模拟实训(第三版).rar 下载 基础会计学综合模拟实训(第三版) 加速吧下载站电脑软件栏目提供:绿色软件及各类优质的软件下载,是一个绿色软件下载站软件下载,最新最酷的绿色软件,更新快,种类全,所有软件均经过检测,安全无毒, 加速吧下载——为中国5亿网民提供贴心,省心,放心的免费软件下载网站。 Problem Solving and Program Design in C di Hanly, Jeri R.; Koffman, Elliot B. su - ISBN 10: 0134014898 - ISBN 13: 9780134014890 - Pearson College Div - 2015 - Brossura Description For introductory courses in computer science and engineering. ¿ Learning to Program with ANSI-C. Problem Solving and Program Design in C teaches introductory students to program with ANSI-C, a standardized, industrial-strength programming language known for its power and probability. Problem Solving and Program Design in C by Hanly, Jeri; Koffman, Elliot at - ISBN 10: 0134014898 - ISBN 13: 9780134014890 - Pearson - 2015 - Softcover Rent Problem Solving and Program Design in C 8th edition (978-0134014890) today, or search our site for other textbooks by Jeri R. Hanly. Every textbook comes with a 21-day "Any Reason" guarantee.